
詹姆斯·T·柯克自传 前言


詹姆斯·T·柯克自传 前言
翻译:红色按钮    校对:不愿意留名的猴子

Leonard H. McCoy医生著

  首先我要说,我是个医生不是作家。但是,读过这本回忆录后,我决定要补充些内容。在大多数的部分,Jim Kirk讲述了所有关于自己的事情。但他却遗漏了一个重要的细节,显而易见的原因是他太过谦虚才会对此只字不提,那么我来说:
  现在,在你认为我在夸大其实,而我让你滚去地狱之前,让我们客观地看看他的人生。在过去的五十年里,是谁处在那么多关键事件的核心?在那些时刻,又是谁做出如此多影响文明发展进程的决定?那么多历史时刻都围绕着一个人,这看似令人难以置信,但事实胜于雄辩。我不知道决定谁会坐上/企业号星舰/的舰长椅的到底是天意,运气还是传说中的银河巨鸟,而我只庆幸那是Jim Kirk。
  敬/企业号/舰长James T. Kirk。

*传说中的银河巨鸟(the mythical Great Bird of the Galaxy):Great Bird of the Galaxy指的是Gene Roddenberry,这个昵称是来自TOS某一集里参考到的神话生物,更多关于Great Bird of the Galaxy的内容详见https://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Bird_of_the_Galaxy


The Autobiography of James T. Kirk

By Leonard H. McCoy, M. D.

FIRST LET ME JUST SAY, I'M A DOCTOR NOT A WRITER. But, having read this memoir, I've decided I dohave something to add. For the most part, Jim Kirk said everything that neededto be said about himself. But he left out one important detail, for the obviousreason that he was too modest to think it, let alone say it, so I will:
  Hewas the greatest hero who ever lived.
  Now,before you assume I'm exaggerating, and before I tell you to go to hell, let'slook at his life objectively. Who else in the last fifty years was at thecenter of so many critical events? Who else in that time made more decisionsthat affected the course of civilization? It seems unbelievable that so muchhistory could be centered around one person, but the record is clear. And Idon't know whether it was divine providence, luck, or the mythical Great Birdof the Galaxy that determined the man who would be in the center seat of the /Starship Enterprise/, I'm just thankfulit was Jim Kirk.
  Thoughhe skips this description of himself, his memoir leaves out little else, andfor that reason it is revelatory. The personal secrets in here paint an honestportrait of the man. In some ways, he was just like the rest of us: lonely,ambitious, a son, a father, a lover, never truly content. Where he set himselfapart is in the way he took responsibility for his mistakes, embraced hisweaknesses, and always strove to do better, to be better. It is in this waythat he is a true hero; despite his successes, he knew there was always morework to be done, and he never shied away from the call of duty. His passing isa catastrophic loss; he looked after all of us.
  Forme, the loss is personal: I had no better friend, and I raise my glass to him one last time.
  To James T. Kirk, captain of the /Enterprise/.


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